Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Having connection problems to the Internet?

10.07.11: The simple answer is try the modem provided by Bell or Rogers, before buying/replacing your wireless router.

Basically, you can use the modem, provided by Rogers or Bell, as a wireless router and it will work in most cases (depending on distance from the modem). 

I am getting approx 38Mbps download speed via the Rogers modem (which is in the basement) to my computer which is quite remote from the modem. 

However, my iPhone is not wi-fi connecting consistently to my modem or router, when on the second floor or anywhere in the back portion of the house. This is another isssue - see my next post.

I went to the three IT retails today and reviewed their wireless routers.

In non-tech speak, there are four level of 300Mbps wireless routers (the standard of today) for home use: 
a. the basic (two rooms), 
b. N300 (more rooms on same level), 
c. N300+ (multi-level house), 
d. N300+ Dual (multi-computer streaming while viewing).

I tried the N300+ Dlink router (as it was $60 at Futureshop and $100 at Best Buy and Staples) and it worked well ... but took almost three hours to setup with a tech consultant on the phone. After this lengthy time on the phone, i suddenly lost the line with the consultant but managed to fix the problem a few minutes later. 
The consultant should have known the fix and saved me a lot of time.

The bottom line - don't buy a new router without confirming your existing modem is not working correctly.

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