Tuesday, October 30, 2012

magicJack Plus Review

12.10.30: Here are some PCWORLD reviews and another excellent review and a YouTube setup video.

Having looked into Plus, I am getting the impression it is more viable than its predecessor.

There were four concerns I had of the previous model:
1. voice quality
2. problem resolution
3. ability to use existing phone number
4. computer usage (energy conservation and computer life)

From the PCWORLD reviews, it appears most problems have been cleared up, except poor access to  customer support.

Here is what magicJack Plus provides:

 - Voicemail
 - Caller ID
 - Call waiting
 - Call forwarding
 - Your own phone number 
 - Unlimited free calling within the US and Canada

With the Plus release, you plug into the wall outlet instead of your computer, after the initial computer assisted setup. 
This allows you to turn off your computer but you must leave your computer wireless modem/router on at all times.

All phones in your house should work. 

In summary, my advice is try it before deleting your home service and you have 30 days to return it at no cost if not satisfied. It is not perfect or easy ... but much cheaper than a monthly fee home line.

For those who want to read more, here is an exert from the second review source, outlining what you go thru to move your existing phone number to/from magicJack.

"The general porting process requires you to order it via MJ. Once you pay MJ’s porting fee, it can take anywhere from a week to a month for your Comcast number to be ported over to your MJ account; exactly how long it will actually take depends upon how quickly MJ gets the paperwork to Comcast, and how quickly Comcast approves it. Comcast basically has the final say (but generally they’re pretty good about it).
You will then need to check daily to see if the port has been completed, by calling your old Comcast number to see if the call rings the phone connected to you J device. Once the “port” has been completed, you will then need to call Comcast to make sure that they immediately cease billing you for their telephone service.
Starting with one year after the initial port, MJ will charge you an annual fee to *keep* the ported number (the fee is currently $10) in addition to the regular MJ subscription fee. These fees are paid to MJ via a credit card which you will need to have on file within your MJ account; if for any reason the fee(s) is/are not paid on time (like, say, if your credit card info on file at the time is not up-to-date) you may LOSE your ported number (permanently) and be assigned a new number by MJ. If you ever decide to port your number *out* of MJ, they will charge you a one-time fee to do so (currently $30).
As per MJ’s current “Terms of Service,” MJ can change its terms (including all porting-related fee amounts) at any time without any advance notice."

Friday, September 14, 2012

iPhone 5 - intro and concerns

12.09.25: It appears there are a few problems with the iPhone 5...

In my opinion, the main problem is very slow wi-fi ... the reason I replaced my iPhone a while ago!

12.09.12 Back in April, I posted an iPhone 4S vs Samsung item.
Today, Apple introduced its newest iPhone ... which is likely to sell approx 30 million before the end of the year ... which might raise the stock value to $750-$1000/share before year-end (currently $695).
Unbelievable, for such a limited upgrade. But Apple and iPhone customers are loyal, regardless how much better other smartphones may be.

The Toronto Star had an article today "New iPhone Offers Few Surprises" and another article today "A better smartphone, but nothing revolutionary".

Tech Republic is a trusted technical reporting service and here is their analysis of the iPhone 5.

Summary of improvements:

1. thinner, lighter and larger screen - 18% thinner and 20% lighter than 4S and a 4" display with more pixels than 4S. More pixels = better viewing.
Other smartphone have more pixels. 

2. 4G LTE capable - the 4S was 3G capable. Means faster speed. 
Most smartphones have this ... but LTE isn't available yet.  

3. larger front camera (1.3MP) than 4S (.93MP).
Most smartphones have 2MP front camera.  

4. larger internal storage than 4S or other smartphones.
Most smartphones have a card slot for up to 32GB removable storage ... which can easily be copied to your PC for backup.

5. has a better battery than 4S. Still will not last 8 hours with active use.
All smartphones allow for easily changing battery...a must for anyone using a golf GP type app during a game.

6. better back camera (8MP) than 4S (5MP).
Most smartphones have 8MP back camera.

7. panorama pictures (up to 28MP) with IOS6 - same for 4S with IOS6.

8. a new map system instead of Google Maps (untested at this time).
All smartphones have the excellent Google Maps app.

9. a different peripheral connector than 4S.
All users will need to buy new connectors for their clock radio, etc.

I am curious to see the offer from Bell and Rogers for a three year plan.
The USA expectation is $199 (16gb), $299(32gb) and $399(64gb).

In summary, for existing iPhone owners, there will be slight improvements  in this new model ... but you will pay more (for connecting things to it and probably for their telephone plan) and still not be able to switch batteries when it dies at a critical time.

BTW, I am not a fan since my 3GS iPhone had serious problems than could not be fixed free (no wi-fi reception, very poor battery life, and dead back camera).

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Android phone - managing storage

07.24.12: Have you ever wanted to change where data is stored on your android smartphone?

First a little info on Android (non iPhone) phone structure.
This information pertains to a Samsung Galaxy smartphone and should be applicable to any non-iPhone. 

To view all storage areas on your phone go to Settings - Storage.

Samsung has identified its storage area on my Galaxy Note as:
1. Internal Storage (2g) - the phone
2. USB Storage (16gb) - internal SDcard (identified as sdcard folder)
3. SD card (16gb) - a micro SDcard I added (identified as sdcard/external_sd sub-folder)

All Samsung apps and files (photos, music, videos and downloads) default to the USB Storage area (folder labelled sdcard). 

Samsung has made it a little confusing by identifying the USB Storage area as sdcard folder.

You are allowed to move most apps from the USB Storage to the external sd card.
I have moved all apps, that can be moved, to the external sd card. 
If an app can be moved, it will indicate at main menu - Settings - Applications and select an app. It also allows you to easily move these apps back and forth, as your needs change.

You can change the storage location for photos and videos (taken with Camera) by making this change:

In the Camera app, switch from photo to video and tap the Settings icon and then tap the "Edit shortcuts" item and drag the storage icon to a blank area on the menu. Then select this storage icon and select "Memory card" instead of "Phone". If you don't see a storage icon, there is no external SD card recognized in the phone.

I use my external SD card for all downloads.
For downloads via a browser, open the Internet icon (Chrome browser) menu - Settings - Advanced - Default storage - Memory card.
I installed a few file manager apps but always came back to the one that came with my phone "My files". 
It has a good way of presenting the storage areas and folders within.
I don't suggest moving this app to the external sd card.
You can move/copy files between storage areas with this app.

I backup some files (pics, etc) on both the USB Storage (sdcard folder) and the external sdcard (sdcard.external_sd sub-folder).
I then take out the micro sdcard and backup to my computer or attach the usb cable and copy to computer.

If you have any useful tips, corrections or suggestions, pls let me know and I will augment this blog item. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Viewing someone's computer screen

05.17.12: Ever needed to see something on someone else's computer screen?

This free web based app allows it very easily.

On the computer you want to make visible, just go to this site and click on "Share your screen now".

The computer wanting to see your screen enters the link (or code provided, for smartphones) , after going to www.screenleap.com.

You can then make changes on your screen and they will be available on the viewing computer.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

sending emails from another country

04.21.12: This app is for those people who have dedicated email accounts (i.e. Rogers, Sympatico, Paladrome, your company, etc) and cannot access it from other PCs.

My advice, to those who only have these types of email accounts ... get a GMAIL, YAHOO, or HOTMAIL account as backup.

The app is Mail From Anywhere and it allows you to easily send emails to anyone and include attachments. It does not require or request a sender email address.

You may think anti-virus or spam filters stop these emails but they don't appear to (at this time).

This app does not allow you to read your email or reply to an email received from the app.

However, it does allow you to send an email without identifying the sender.

You have a couple of ways of using this app ... if you are intend on pursuing:

1. download to a SDcard or stick and carry with you
2. make note of the link and download (if the PC allows you to) as required

You should familiarize yourself with it (install and try on your computer), before trying on another. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Which is the best Smartphone?

05.16.13: I have revised my smartphone comparison chart for current products from Rogers, Bell and Telus.

Bottom Line: Samsung Galaxy S4 is the best product available today. 

04.08.13: An update comparison between the leading smartphones, a few days ago.

Depending on your needs, it is getting more difficult to determine the best smartphone for your needs.

What stands out in this chart:
1. Talk time - iPhone is much lower - very important
2. Speed - difficult to determine - not important
3. Camera (front) - iPhone not as good, (Back) - equal
4. Texting - about equal

What is not in this chart is even more important to me, as a daily smartphone user who has almost replaced his computer with the phone - Interchangeable battery.

There are three main things that dramatically reduce time between battery charging:
1. screen brightness
2. using Network (wi-fi)
3. using GPS

If you aren't very careful, battery life will not last the whole day.

iPhone is the only one (of the major smartphones) not allowing you to change the battery. 

Here are 10 tips to conserve battery charge

12.04.12: This item outlines the Bell iPhone 4S and Galaxy Note and the Rogers iPhone 4S and Galaxy Note.

It also includes Bell and Rogers 4G and LTE offerings. Hopefully, it doesn't add to your confusion.

I have now had time to adjust to non Apple interface.
It took a while ... now understand why those who are Apple stay Apple.

Samsung is the leading maker of Android (non Apple) smartphones. Their newest entry into the cell phone space is the Note.

There are a few reasons I prefer the Galaxy Note: interchangeable battery, larger screen and resolution, ease of transferring data to/from a PC.

Some of the best Apple apps are not available in Android models yet ... but sure to appear in the future.
I will outline useful Android apps in future blog items. 

Here are the specifications for the iPhone 4 and the newest iPhone 4S
Pls note the very small front camera (for Skype, Google Talk, etc) for 4 and 4S.

Here is a comparison of iPhone 4S and Galaxy Note.

I'll let you draw your own conclusions on which is better for you.
Bell is offering 4G-LTE in most major areas.

Here is a diagram showing GTA areas a this time.

From what I can tell, at this time, it appears both have very similar coverage and comparable speed.

Rogers has "LTE beyond 4G" in larger city areas (including Markham and Mississauga).

LTE - Long Term Evolution. It is the new international standard for next generation wireless networks, as defined by the International Telecommunications Union.
    LTE enables faster HD video streaming, gaming, communications, transactions and other connected experiences through mobile Internet. 
    LTE allows significantly more data to pass through a network at speeds of up to 150 Mbps and it will become the foundation in a world defined by connected experiences.

4G - Is the fourth generation of cellphone mobile communications. It is not available yet. It will allow mobile ultra-braodband speed between smartphones and wireless laptops. HD TV steaming, and other high speed transmissions will appear seamless.

To add some confusion, LTE is not really 4G speed but it is close.
Both major carriers are inaccurate and confusing their customers by using LTE with 4G. Rogers is worse by indicating their LTE is "beyond" 4g.

Both are really offering 3GPP Long Term Evolution ... better than standard 3G speed.

LTE Advanced (LTE-A) will appear, eventually, and will be true 4G compliant.

From Wikipedia:
"The first release of the 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard does not completely fulfill the ITU 4G requirements called IMT-Advanced. 
First release LTE is not backwards compatible with 3G, but is a pre-4G or 3.9G technology, however sometimes branded "4G" by the service providers. 
Its evolution LTE Advanced is a 4G technology. 
WiMAX is another technology verging on or marketed as 4G."

Thursday, April 5, 2012

a couple of useful PC apps


Ninite - a very quick and easy application updating tool for your computer. It will update specific apps you might have on your PC. Just select from the apps listed and it will update if the app is out-of-date.

Box - similar to Dropbox but provides 5gb of space (only 2gb for dropbox) but has a 25mb file size limit. 
I also find it much more intuitive to use.

Dropbox - similar to Box but has no file size and you can increase your free space by 250mb every time you get someone to sign up.

I use both Box and Dropbox - depending on file size.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

gas prices on the rise

04.03.12: Get ready for a gas price increase ... again!

I am about to rant on gas prices ... but I should really be RANTING about the WASTEFUL use of our tax $s again. 
The F35 fiasco is rearing its ugly head again. But, relax, it is only an additional $10B waste of our tax $s.

Why is it we Canadians don't mind the feds partying with our tax $s ?
I guess we must enjoy paying taxes!

Back on April 25, 2011, I posted an item on Gasbuddy to help you check for lower gas prices when you need to fill up.
Well, gas prices may be $1.40/litre tomorrow and you need to take measures to encourage lower prices and to ensure you are getting a good price when you do fill up.

As you know, I have complained about gas prices in the past. 
We do pay a LOT OF TAX on our gas.

We just returned home from Myrtle Beach and we paid approx $.98/litre for our gas. 
BTW, we averaged 16k/l in our Civic (approx 47MPG - for the oldies - thanks to an Android app for my Samsung smartphone called fuelio).

What really surprised me was the price for 'regular' vs 'premium' gas.
Did you know we pay approx $.15/litre more for premium ... and the Americans pays approx $.15/Gal more for premium. 
Canadians pay a lot more for premium gas than Americans.
Why the dramatic increase for premium here in Canada?
I guess we have to pay for the F35s somehow! 

What really astounds me is how PASSIVE we Canadians are about inequities!!!

I am about to tweet Harper again and really encourage everyone to tweet him and send emails to their MP.

I also will email the auditor general on the excellent unbiased report

Planning for the driving future:
1. drive less
2. elect a more responsible government
3. complain to your MP
4. really think about a very efficient vehicle for your next purchase
5. get rid of those pick-up trucks and vans you are driving now - if you want to save money
6. don't but a vehicles that requires premium fuel

It really is time to start serious complaining about our wasted tax $s !!!

Although I like to rant, the one positive of increased gas prices is the growing inevitability of hydrogen fuel as the right answer.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Android Phone vs Apple iPhone

03.16.12: Galaxy Note received and working great!
Confirmed one day and received the next day.
Price was quoted at approx $260 ... but bill shows $99.

03.13.12: Here it is. The future of cell phones!
(left-click to enlarge pic)

Just received my new Samsung Galaxy Note and it is dazzling. 

While the iphone was great ... in the beginning, this android phone is the future (for now)!

Not only is the display huge but the wi-fi at a distance is working very fast and the phone responds MUCH faster than the 3Gs iPhone.

I will post more blogs, as I uncover more of the features.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Rogers is at it again - free faster speed

03.06.12: Rogers did this before and it was unencumbered.

An email just arrived today from Rogers ... for high speed users only.

As of March 8th, speed up to 28Mbps and usage up to 120GB/mo!

The competition must be preparing or already improved their service.

Isn't free enterprise wonderful!

capitalism wonderful.

iPhone - a few last productivity items

03.06.12: supplement to post, I just received an email from Rogers indicating the wrong replacement phone is being sent ... never ceases to amaze me ...
Now I must decline the phone being sent and wait for Rogers to send an email indicating my account has been reset ... before going after the correct replacement.

03.06.12: This may be my last post for iPhone items, as I am replacing it with a Rogers Samsung Galaxy Note LTE (to arrive in the next few days).

While my iPhone still has more than a year to go o n my Rogers plan, somehow, they are giving me this replacement for $65.
I didn't ask why...

Tip 1: Shortcuts (Settings -> General -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts)
This aid is very good for those who text or regularly enter the same long words in emails.
I use it for email addresses, words like "tomorrow", phrases like "in my opinion", etc.

Tip 2: Restrictions (Settings -> General -> Restrictions
Turn most of them off to ensure you know what is being downloaded to your iPhone.

Tip 3: Data Roaming (Settings -> General -> Network)
Turn off Data Roaming, to ensure no large charges when travelling. I leave it off at all times.

Tip 4: Location Services (Settings -> Location Services)
While a lot of apps would like to use your current location, it isn't required. 
Turn it off, except when using something like Maps for a non-saved location.
Each time you use Maps to get directions for a location, save it by clicking on the red dot (end location) and then the blue carrot and then "Add to Bookmarks".  
When you turn on Location Services, only allow the app you are using.
This is probably to most battery saving tip available.

If you aren't aware, the main reason I am changing cell phones is lack of wi-fi with my 3gs iPhone.
The latest operating system update (which cannot be undone) made it almost impossible for a lot of iPhones to get wi-fi at more than 10 feet from source.
With earlier releases, it worked at quite a distance from the source.
Apple indicated it is a hardware problem and anyone outside warranty (more than 1 year) should buy a reconditioned 3gs for $160 plus taxes only warranty is 30 days).

Or should I wait for the next gen iPhone...

Friday, March 2, 2012

Tax Time - free Tax program

03.02.12: I really dislike this time of year ... giving the governments money to foolishly waste on jets and G8/G20 sessions  and other non-essential flights of fancy to make them more important internationally.

But this ranting is best placed on my other blog.

StudioTax 2011 is a free Internet Canadian tax preparation application.

It works very well for simple tax preparation and combines husbands/wives quite easily.

It also allows for easy adjusting of T3s and T5s and other joint incomes/expenses between husbands/wives.

It has an easy NETFILE approach and stores easily for retrieval in following years.

It took about two hours to do both returns yesterday (the first time used).

The less time spent doing tax returns the better.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Dell Voice - a free phone service

02.15.12: So, why is this one different? Isn't it just another VOIP service?

Thx to Bryan for spotting this app.

Dell Voice is a free service for anyone with a cell phone.

Here is how it works.

They provide you a free local cell phone number and the app automatically syncs to your cell phone contacts list.

The reason for the new number is to allow you to call for free (to any Canadian number in any of the many identified Canadian cities) and allow others to call you without impacting your cell phone monthly costs.

Dell Voice to Dell Voice calls are free ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD.

Complete list of features.

Some specific details, if you have a Dell Voice number:

1. you can only use your Dell Voice number in the city is was set up for.

2. calls are free from your Dell Voice number to any Dell Voice number in Canada.

3. calls are free from your Dell Voice  number to any identified Canadian city (see above link).

4. if you call an international number, there is a cost. To see what the cost would be before proceeding, you enter the number and then press the world rate button.

5. the app will always use wi-fi if available and indicates when you are using wi-fi.

6. always use wi-fi when using Dell Voice, if possible, as your Internet data plan is cheaper than your cell phone data plan. 1 minute equals 1mb of data. 

7. if you regularly talk to someone (not having a Dell Voice number) in another Canadian city, you will soon be able to get an additional number for that city ($.99/mo) so that person can call you as a local call.

8. If it does work well for you, consider the next step to reducing costs:
   a. reduce your cell phone minutes/mo plan
   b. drop voicemail, call forwarding, caller ID, call waiting, etc

I am trying to determine the limitations in the next few weeks and will provide an update then.

If you would like to try it, go to the site (above) and setup a number and call me. If I don't answer, leave a voicemail - free service as well.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Caution - loading smartphone pics to the web

02.09.12: Thanks to Doug for passing this along.

If you weren't aware, your smartphone may be identifying your exact location in a pic you upload to the web (Youtube, etc).

Now with smartphone cameras at 8mp, I would suspect more pics will be uploaded this way.

It's not a problem for most pics but what if it is a pic of your young child and it indicates exactly where to locate him/her?

It is an easy fix, to stop including this GPS data in a smartphone pic.

Just ensure you turn off GPS identification in your camera settings.

For the iPhone, it is in Camera within Location Services (enlarge pic to view).

As a rule, I turn Location Services off to save my battery and only turn a specific service on as required.

Samsung Galaxy Note

02.09.12: I have now added the Samsung Galaxy Note smatphone to the analysis and it is king of the mountain at this time.

It may be worth looking at, if you are thinking a new smartphone.

Monday, February 6, 2012

smartphones - two useful apps

02.05.12: Home Depot and LCBO On The Go

The LCBO On The Go apps is very useful for checking supply of a wine you would like at any outlet.

They have a store locator  (closest to farther away) and you can select a store as your favourite and add selected wines to it.

They have a bar code scanner that works very quickly (if you have an empty bottle in your hands). Or you can use key words or just browse.

I have set up my favourite store and added my favourite wines.
Before going, i check for availability and, if not at my outlet, I check for supply at closest next closest outlet (if I prefer to not wait).
As I don't tend to remember the names of some good wines I have had, I now get in the habit of adding to my favourites.

Home Depot is quite a frustrating store, as they are always understaffed.
I have tried to talk tot he store manager but can't seem to make a connection.

There app is very useful as it has a barcode reader that lets me scan and determine price of an item that doesn't have a price.

It also has a good menu of sections and I can usually find an item I am looking for ... except for hardwood and oak stairs.
It also has the current flyer details you can scroll thru, if you forgot to check the weekly flyer b4 going to the store.

However, what I really want is the exact location of an item.

I have tweeted my concerns via the Twitter connection in the app.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Before throwing out your old computer

02.02.12: Some things to consider before discarding your old/tired computer in favour of a new one.

I guess the first thing to consider is do you really need a computer?
Strange as it may seem, if you are happy with what a smartphone can do, you might consider doing without a computer. They have larger screens for good web browsing and ease of e-mail mgmt. They have great cameras (8mp on back and some have 2mp on front for Skype type activities). You can do lots of downloading (depending on your data plan) onto its SD card. And you can check your email ANYWHERE!

I am finding I spend a lot less time on my computer now.

However, if you prefer the touch/visuals/response of a computer, here are a few thoughts.

Doing an upgrade yourself can save a fair amount, compared to what it would cost to replace your laptop. FYI, a standard laptop now costs approx $600 total. 

More Workspace: More Memory
The fastest and simplest method for improving the efficiency of your computer is to add more memory. 
Most older laptops have 512MB of memory. 
If your laptop has only one slot, you need to replace this 512MB with a larger chip - 1024MB of memory cost  approx $20 (including shipping) on eBay.
If your laptop has two slots, you should add at least 512MB of memory - costs approx $15 (including shipping) on eBay

To install memory, shut down your laptop and removing the battery. Locate the little door at the bottom where the system memory resides. Once the cover is removed, gently ease the new memory module into its slot. 
If you are not sure of the type of computer memory that is compatible with your notebooks, use Google to search for your laptop make/model...or ask me. 

A Faster, Spacious Hard Drive
All older laptops came with small hard drives running at a lower speed than is normal today. 
However, as your hard drive contains your operating system, you cannot change it without backing up your system first. This is a separate topic and you might want to contact me before considering ... or just buy a new laptop.


A New Keyboard

Replacing your laptop's keyboard isn't very easy. 
However, a desktop is much easier. I recently replaced a desktop keyboard with a wireless Keyboard and Mouse (BestBuy around Xmas) for $14 (before tax).
If you laptop keyboard is not performing as you want, throw out the laptop (or give it to me) and buy a new one.

Automatic Microsoft Updating - Yes or No

02.02.12: Extract from a helpful computer newsletter I receive regularly. 

You may not want to allow Microsoft to automatically apply updates. 

Because software is not be perfect, that doesn't mean that the designers cannot make improvements that bring it closer to perfection. 
This is the purpose of software updates and patches. 
Mozilla, the creators of the Firefox browser, for example, release updates from time to time when something breaks or can be improved. Microsoft releases updates and patches to Windows every second Tuesday of the month (referred to as Patch Tuesday). In order to keep your Windows system stable and secure, it's important that you install the latest applicable patches when they're released to the public.

A lot of users configure Windows to automatically download and install patches when they become available. While this automatic process relieves the user of the burden of manually downloading the patches, it does pose the risk of blindly downloading a patch that may cause conflicts either immediately or the down the road. Also, when Windows Updates is set to run automatically, it seems to always want to reboot (to install the patches) right when a user is in the middle of something.
Did you know Windows Update can be configured to do exactly what you want it to do?

Configuring Automatic Updates

Microsoft recommends setting Windows Updates to do its thing automatically. Many users like this as they don't have to lift a finger. But this method forces you to give up a lot of control and you run the risk of downloading a patch that you really don't need or that could cause a conflict.
Just because a new patch is released to the public doesn't mean that all the kinks are worked out of it. Sometimes it takes several days (and a lot of user complaints) to weed out a defective patch. 
If you prefer to wait a few days to see if a patch is worthy of installation, you can configure Windows Update to do this by selecting the 2nd Automatic Update option (Download Updates but let me choose whether to install them).

Another option is to have Windows Update notify you only when new updates become available. Windows will simply tell you when important patches are released but it won't download or install them. This gives you more power over what gets updated but also makes you do more of the work on your part. Many users like this kind of control over their system. This setting will generate a dialog box listing each available patch along with its title. Each patch listing will have a check box next to it, so you can choose whether or not you'd like to install it.

If you really don't want the bother, you can opt to completely turn off Automatic Updates. Microsoft doesn't recommend this for most users. But if you're the type of user that keeps their finger on the pulse of technology, then invoking Microsoft Update manually isn't a problem.

Automatic Updates and Firefox

Windows Update requires an ActiveX plug-in to scan your system and check which patches will benefit your computer; as such, a version of Internet Explorer is required. 
If you use Firefox, there's a plug-in you can install. All it really does is pop open IE from Firefox but it's worth a try if you use Firefox exclusively.