Thursday, April 19, 2012

sending emails from another country

04.21.12: This app is for those people who have dedicated email accounts (i.e. Rogers, Sympatico, Paladrome, your company, etc) and cannot access it from other PCs.

My advice, to those who only have these types of email accounts ... get a GMAIL, YAHOO, or HOTMAIL account as backup.

The app is Mail From Anywhere and it allows you to easily send emails to anyone and include attachments. It does not require or request a sender email address.

You may think anti-virus or spam filters stop these emails but they don't appear to (at this time).

This app does not allow you to read your email or reply to an email received from the app.

However, it does allow you to send an email without identifying the sender.

You have a couple of ways of using this app ... if you are intend on pursuing:

1. download to a SDcard or stick and carry with you
2. make note of the link and download (if the PC allows you to) as required

You should familiarize yourself with it (install and try on your computer), before trying on another. 

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