Tuesday, March 6, 2012

iPhone - a few last productivity items

03.06.12: supplement to post, I just received an email from Rogers indicating the wrong replacement phone is being sent ... never ceases to amaze me ...
Now I must decline the phone being sent and wait for Rogers to send an email indicating my account has been reset ... before going after the correct replacement.

03.06.12: This may be my last post for iPhone items, as I am replacing it with a Rogers Samsung Galaxy Note LTE (to arrive in the next few days).

While my iPhone still has more than a year to go o n my Rogers plan, somehow, they are giving me this replacement for $65.
I didn't ask why...

Tip 1: Shortcuts (Settings -> General -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts)
This aid is very good for those who text or regularly enter the same long words in emails.
I use it for email addresses, words like "tomorrow", phrases like "in my opinion", etc.

Tip 2: Restrictions (Settings -> General -> Restrictions
Turn most of them off to ensure you know what is being downloaded to your iPhone.

Tip 3: Data Roaming (Settings -> General -> Network)
Turn off Data Roaming, to ensure no large charges when travelling. I leave it off at all times.

Tip 4: Location Services (Settings -> Location Services)
While a lot of apps would like to use your current location, it isn't required. 
Turn it off, except when using something like Maps for a non-saved location.
Each time you use Maps to get directions for a location, save it by clicking on the red dot (end location) and then the blue carrot and then "Add to Bookmarks".  
When you turn on Location Services, only allow the app you are using.
This is probably to most battery saving tip available.

If you aren't aware, the main reason I am changing cell phones is lack of wi-fi with my 3gs iPhone.
The latest operating system update (which cannot be undone) made it almost impossible for a lot of iPhones to get wi-fi at more than 10 feet from source.
With earlier releases, it worked at quite a distance from the source.
Apple indicated it is a hardware problem and anyone outside warranty (more than 1 year) should buy a reconditioned 3gs for $160 plus taxes only warranty is 30 days).

Or should I wait for the next gen iPhone...

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