Saturday, February 12, 2011

e-mail spamming

02.12.11: Beware of false e-mails that ask you to go to a web link. They don't appear to cause problems but are not sent from the sender indicated.

In the last 24 hours, users i have mailed to have been spammed by this technique.

I suspect someone who has received one of my e-mails, isn't using current and up-to-date anti-virus and anti-spamware tools on their computer.

. There is no subject in these e-mails.
. There is a web link (usually ending in PHP) asking you to go there.
. There is no salutation in the e-mail.

As with all e-mails you are unsure of, reply to sender to indicate a problem or concern and then delete the e-mail.

I have two anti-virus and one anti-spamware programs running and they have found no problems on my PC.

Pls check your anti-virus and anti-spamware progams to ensure they are up-to-date.
If you are spending money on these tools, you have FREE options.
The ones I have been using for years are listed here on my Tools site.
If you would like assistance installing, let me know.

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