Saturday, February 26, 2011

Warning msg about security

02.26.11: Have you received a msg like this on your computer screen?

It is obviously meant to make you nervous and think your computer will be exposed.

Symantec is a very good anti-virus application but it does cost money you don't need to spend.

My computer came with a free version (30 days) and I deleted it immediately. Somehow, it remembered it had been installed initially and sent me this reminder ... even though I never used it and 'completely' erased every instance I could find.

I am very hawkish on having excellent anti-virus updated regularly.

However, I do get upset when the anti-virus pay-for-service companies try to mislead non-techy PC users by these types of ads.

In my opinion - in the case of anti-virus and anti-spyware - the best is FREE.

Check out the free anti-virus and anti-spyware offerings I have been advertising (and use) on my Tools website.

If you have any questions, you know where I am.

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