Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hacking your email account

02.26.11: Have you ever been hacked?
I was hacked into a few days ago and changed my password right away.

Just a few moments ago, Google presented this info on my email screen.
It isn't an indication your email address has been compromised ... just someone attempting to.
I clicked on the link they indicated and found the second info.

If you use WHOIS, you can determine the internet service provider (ISP) the hacker is using.

From, there, I located an email address i could send to indicating my concern of that ISP allowing hackers to use their system.

Not that any of this does any good.

It appears the best approach is to be willing to change your passwords regularly and use strong (combination of letters and numbers) passwords.

More about this as I go deeper into it ...

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