Thursday, November 11, 2010

Recent Virus Warnings

Recently, there have been a few virus warning msgs circulating. These tend to confuse the average Internet user as they are not sure how to respond.
In all instances this year i am aware of, they are false alarms ... if you maintain current anti-virus pgm.
Of course, anti-virus manufacturers don't object to these circulating 'dire' warnings.

My advice is to not continue circulation of these old warnings.

Careful use of e-mail includes these standard practices:
a .ensuring your anti-virus pgm is current,
b. don't open any mail from someone you don't know,
c. don't click on any link in an e-mail unless you know what it is and someone else has clicked on it without incident,
d. if still unsure, send me an e-mail before clicking or opening one you are unsure of.

Pls update your anti- virus pgm at least weekly or before accessing your e-mail if away for a long tome.

Here are a few of the recent circulating dire warnings that all good anti-virus pgms are aware of:

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