Saturday, February 26, 2011

Warning msg about security

02.26.11: Have you received a msg like this on your computer screen?

It is obviously meant to make you nervous and think your computer will be exposed.

Symantec is a very good anti-virus application but it does cost money you don't need to spend.

My computer came with a free version (30 days) and I deleted it immediately. Somehow, it remembered it had been installed initially and sent me this reminder ... even though I never used it and 'completely' erased every instance I could find.

I am very hawkish on having excellent anti-virus updated regularly.

However, I do get upset when the anti-virus pay-for-service companies try to mislead non-techy PC users by these types of ads.

In my opinion - in the case of anti-virus and anti-spyware - the best is FREE.

Check out the free anti-virus and anti-spyware offerings I have been advertising (and use) on my Tools website.

If you have any questions, you know where I am.

Hacking your email account

02.26.11: Have you ever been hacked?
I was hacked into a few days ago and changed my password right away.

Just a few moments ago, Google presented this info on my email screen.
It isn't an indication your email address has been compromised ... just someone attempting to.
I clicked on the link they indicated and found the second info.

If you use WHOIS, you can determine the internet service provider (ISP) the hacker is using.

From, there, I located an email address i could send to indicating my concern of that ISP allowing hackers to use their system.

Not that any of this does any good.

It appears the best approach is to be willing to change your passwords regularly and use strong (combination of letters and numbers) passwords.

More about this as I go deeper into it ...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Before You Lose Your iPhone

02.16.11: Update for iPhone 4 users and friends
If you have an iPhone 4, you can
create a free iTunes
account and then uses your Apple ID and password to enable Find My iPhone on any number of 3GS iPhones.

02.15.11: iPhone 3GS users - Before you lose it, there are two things you should do.

Doesn't apply to iPhone 4 users as they have a free Find My iPhone service.

1. Put information on your lock screen:

This free iTunes app - If Found - will set up a lock screen with the pertinent information. If someone finds the phone and wants to return it, they will see your details on the lock screen.

2. Enter GPS tracking information inside the phone:

If you have lost your phone and no
one has called you to indicate they found it, this iTunes app - LocateMyPhone - will identify exactly where it is.
You can send a text msg (from a computer) to the phone. Be sure to enable Location Settings and Notifications for this app.
As well, you can start an alarm on the phone that should attract attention (if it is lost in a snow bank, etc).
It is free for the first 30 days. Might be worthwhile to sign up for a month you are traveling, skiing, hiking, etc.

However, if your phone battery is dead, you do have a problem...

Keep it charged and locked!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

e-mail spamming

02.12.11: Beware of false e-mails that ask you to go to a web link. They don't appear to cause problems but are not sent from the sender indicated.

In the last 24 hours, users i have mailed to have been spammed by this technique.

I suspect someone who has received one of my e-mails, isn't using current and up-to-date anti-virus and anti-spamware tools on their computer.

. There is no subject in these e-mails.
. There is a web link (usually ending in PHP) asking you to go there.
. There is no salutation in the e-mail.

As with all e-mails you are unsure of, reply to sender to indicate a problem or concern and then delete the e-mail.

I have two anti-virus and one anti-spamware programs running and they have found no problems on my PC.

Pls check your anti-virus and anti-spamware progams to ensure they are up-to-date.
If you are spending money on these tools, you have FREE options.
The ones I have been using for years are listed here on my Tools site.
If you would like assistance installing, let me know.