Friday, January 29, 2010

CrystalDiskInfo - check your hard drives

15.04.20: Just a reminder what CrystalDiskInfo does for you. 

One of the features is total time the disk has been running. This should also remind you to run a backup of your data on this drive. 

If you suspect a problem may occur (computer running slower than normal or freezing), run CrystalDiskInfo. 

As you can see in the first pic, there is no problem with this hard drive (Blue Cool).
However, the second pic shows my other hard drive and it has a Yellow Caution indicator. It also has been in use for 18,000 hrs. That about 750 days of use.

Time to run the SCAN feature of the free Advanced SystemCare app and ensure Disc Scan is selected. You can also run the Disk Doctor item in the Toolbox section for mre detailed analysis of the hard drive.

It is essential to immediately backup up all your important data if a drive has a yellow caution indicator, as it could become non-accessible at any time. 

(left-click to enlarge)
01/29/10 - My last post referred to this free tool that analyzes your hard drives (including temperature), to let you know if a problem may happen in the near future.

The yellow Caution indicates it is time to take action. 

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