Tuesday, January 26, 2010

checking your Internet download (access) speed

My speed is advertised at 10MB and this pic shows I am getting 11.1MB.

If you find your browser is slow to respond and/or files take a long time to download, it is worth testing your speed. It may not be what was advertised when you signed up.

There are a few free tools available to test your speed and increase your Internet speed.
Here is the best speed tester I have found.
Here is a good tool to possibly increase your Internet speed. I know of others, if this one doesn't work for you.

I am with Rogers and their speed to my PCs (wireless) is close or better than advertised.
When I was with Bell, a few years ago, I could only get half of what they indicated I could receive. It was only after quite a while (and a lot of complaining), I found out Bell only guarantees half of their advertised DSL speed.

If you find your speed to be not close to advertised, check out another provider:
You might save some money and achieve faster download speed ... your Internet will run faster.

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