Friday, April 3, 2015

PowerStream - Advantage Power Pricing

15.04.02: PowerStream began a pilot program a while ago and it has stopped taking participants a few days ago.

Via Twitter, I became aware of it a couple of weeks ago and signed up (even though it indicated peaksaver PLUS users couldn't participate). 

This 6 month pilot program, Advantage Power Pricing, was installed yesterday. 

How it works - "Advantage Power Pricing offers a price lower than the lowest time-of-use price for off-peak periods and a variable price during the peak period (weekdays 3-9pm). 
The peak price will vary with the demand for electricity in Ontario so that you'll pay either the High, Medium or Low rate for electricity during the peak period that day. 
You'll receive notification the day before of which price will be paid for consumption on peak the following day. 
You'll save money by paying a new low price for electricity over 80% of the time." 

The participants guidance information - During the Summer Phase, from May 1 to October 31, 2015, on weekdays from 3pm to 9pm, you will beable to track your savings using three variable pricing tiers (approx $0.10 for low, $0.20 for medium, or $0.40 for high per kWh), which are comparable to or higher than current on-peak prices under TOU.
These price periods will be set at low, medium or high and sent to you the day before (text or email) it is implemented, based on the expected provincial demand for electricity, with the highest prices on days when demand is also highest, such as extreme hot weather. 

Reducing your consumption during on-peak times by shifting to off-peak times will help you better manage your electricity costs.
Throughout the remainder of the week, trial participants will be charged off-peak rates of approximately $0.05 ... much lower than the current off-peak TOU price.

The additional benefits are:

  • Reducing electricity costs by up to $300 per year
  • Knowing (a day before) when the peak price will be highest
  • A free illuminated smart (wifi) thermostat
  • Automatic adjustment of prices and preferences via the free ($250 retail) smart Energate thermostat (doubl-click to enlarge pic at top) 
  • Smart phone app and web site to manage energy usage from anywhere
  • Paying a lower price for electricity 80% of the time
  • Track (and show) saving over 30 days (see above pic)
Same as with peaksaver PLUS, Ontario may alter summer settings when power supply is limited ... but will warn users well in advance. To my recollection, this hasn't happened since joining the peaksaver PLUS pgm a few years ago.

I will add to this blog item, as I become more experienced with the thermostat and web/smartphone apps. 

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