Friday, January 31, 2014

Android Phone - how to recover lost files from an sdcard

14:01.26: Have you lost some files (pics, etc) from your smartphone's micro SDcard?

This has happened to me a few times. I had thought it was  because i had copied some grandchildren pics (taken with my DSLR) onto my micro SDcard to show friends.

Luckily, i back up my smartphone data regularly to my PC and didn't lose anything.

Connect your smartphone to your PC's USB port and check to see if the micro SDcard is visible with your PC's File Explorer.
If it is, click on it then click on Card and then you should see a LOST.DIR folder.
Open the folder and see if there are any files within. Mine has 588 files ... files i cannot see on my smartphone now. 

This site shows you if you can recover the lost files. But using the app will cost you a few $s. So just use it to identify lost files.

I suggest copying the files from your PC instead, as it is faster (if you had them backed up) and then delete the LOST.DIR folder.

If you can't copy all the lost files from your PC, but the above app showed all the lost files, call me for the actual recovery steps.

Call me, if you want some help.

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