Monday, December 16, 2013

Running out of space on c-drive?

13.12.16: There are various reasons for this.

First, if your computer starts to run slower, this may be the reason ... if you have been regularly running your anti-virus protection and periodically (2-3 times per year) running a registry optimizer app.

However, running out of space on the c-drive is usually indicated by a std msg indicating low space on the drive.

Regardless, there are a few ways to free up space:
1. delete (in recycle bin also) any folders and files you know aren't required
2. disk cleanup by start -> computer -> right-click c-drive -> tools -> disk cleanup

After the above, approx 4gb or more can be removed by:
1. moving your paging file to another drive (only works if you have another hard drive - not USB drive)
2. deleting the hiberfil.sys file (only if you do not use hibernation - which is of little value in Win7 or Win8 if you are running out of space).

Here are the methods for Windows 8:

1. delete hiberfil.sys file by start -> right click command prompt and select run as administrator.
A little window will open and you type cd\ and then you type powercfg -h off

2. move the pagefile.sys file start -> control panel -> system and security -> system -> advanced system settings -> advanced -> performance settings -> advanced -> make changes and save by indication paging file for another drive and then 'no paging file' for c-drive

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