Thursday, January 17, 2013

DSLR alternative ?

03.04.13: After a month and a half of comfortable use of the NEX-5R, it stopped working and the camera equivalent of the computer blue-screen-of-death ... "Reinsert the memory card" appeared and nothing could fix it.

Went back to BestBuy and the best they could do (as I hadn't bought the extended warranty) was offer to send it to Sony (at a minimum cost of $40) for an estimate (might be replaced or fixed and I would be without it for up to a month).

The alternative was buy a NEX-5R from another store (and this didn't have any) and return to this BestBuy and buy the extended warranty.

This instruction wasn't expressed correctly and I went to the Ajax store and bought another camera (with a 4 year warranty) and returned to the Markham store for the credit for the NEX-5R.

As you might expect, they indicated "someone" had provided the wrong guidance and all they could do was provide an in-store credit for the NEX-5R. They advised me to return to the Ajax store and cancel the new camera purchase and return to the Markham store and apply the credit on another camera.

Being of the "laziness is the key to efficiency" mentality, I did return to the Ajax store ... and asked them to apply the credit ... they gladly complied.

Bottom line: I was able to return the NEX-5R without penalty.

Summary of likes and dislikes: touch screen, wifi enables, remote (smartphone) time delay, small size, excellent 1080p video, less than desired pic quality.

01.21.13: Made the decision to go with the newer NEX-5R as it had some advantages for the $35 additional cost: 
 - wi-fi to smartphone
 - phase detection (faster autofocus)
 - easier to use

Henrys wouldn't match the BestBuy price.

As I am not a fan of multiple lenses, I now need to buy a high zoom digital camera before the next adventure. 

01.16.13: My digital camera has bit the dust and (as you would expect) the 3 year camera insurance I Paid for won't cover repairs.

Time to buy a new camera! The question is which one?

I haven't been pleased with the speed and picture quality of digital cameras ... but also not eager to buy a large/cumbersome DSLR.

The DIL (digital interchangeable lens) cameras are beginning to make an impression. Prices range from $400 to over $1,000.

What is a DIL camera and why better than a digital camera but not quite as good as a DSLR

The bottom line is DILs are mirrorless (so can be smaller) and have picture quality of mid-range DSLRs.

What I want in a camera: small size, high quality pictures/videos, and fast shutter speed.

After much analysis and review, I have settled on the Sony NEX-5N. 

The problem is the NEX-5N is out of production and replaced by the NEX-5R (more expensive and maybe not as good).

comparison of most expensive DIL and 5N.
A comparison of NEX-5N and NEX-5R.
A comparison of NEX-5N and Nikon D5200 - the DSLR I would select. 

Henrys could only find the 5N at a Manitoba store.

BestBuy price for the 5R is $649 (with lens) right now.
The price for the 5R I bought yesterday at BestBuy was $585 (open box, before tax) and the Henrys price for the 5N is $550 (open box,before tax).

Will add my conclusions before returning one of them.

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