Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Rogers iPhone Repair Problem

Bottom line - go to the Apple store for any problem with your Rogers iPhone

10.07.10 11am update - problem finally resolved. Went back to the Apple store again for another iPhone ... they had given me an AT&T prepped iPhone yesterday ... and said they were sorry.
As trusting as i have become with lack of technical competence, i took my laptop with me to sync the new iPhone with iTunes. It worked!
I was so pleased to have it resolved, I didn't ask for any compensation.

I haven't told Rogers ... will wait until they advise my replacement iPhone is in stock to tell them it is not required.

10.06.10 5pm update - I was successful in replacing my iPhone at the Apple Store ... even though Rogers told me I had to go thru Rogers Technical Support to replace the iPhone.

However, now Apple has created a problem and my iPhone doesn't appear to be mine ... and I need to return to the Apple store with Rogers iPhone proof-of-purchase. One does need a sense of humour when dealing with phone service companies.

I was informed I just needed to restore my apps and everything would be back to normal.

As you might have guessed, the restore didn't work and in addition it appears the SIM card is not valid (I am told it is an AT&T card).
When i called the store, i was advised i had to return to the store and bring my Rogers iPhone proof-of-purchase. Do they think i stole the iPhone from an AT&T customer??
I think they neglected to move my SIM card to the replacement iPhone.

Back to the Apple store tomorrow morning ... what will happen next??

10.06.10 3pm - I am spending approx 5 hours today with Rogers and Apple trying to repair my iPhone 3Gs.

"No Service" appears most of the time, instead of "Rogers", in the upper left corner.
This has to do with the modem not consistently receiving the Rogers 3Gs signal.
It only seems to work when i drive by Rogers' main office on Bloor.

On Sept 24th, I contacted Rogers with this problem and was advised a swap would happen and i would receive a free replacement in 3-5 business days. Being Friday, this meant waiting until the following Friday, without service, for a replacement. I asked them to try hard to deliver it as soon as possible.

Having confidence in Rogers - first mistake - i waiting until the Friday to call them back ... only to discover the replacment order hadn't been placed!
This time, i was advised 3-5 business days once again.

Getting wiser about Rogers infamous service, i escalated from tech support to customer care, when i called on the Monday and was advised of a UPS tracking number. I was advised i should receive the replacement in the next couple of days.

Getting wiser about "Rogers' service", I called this morning and escalated to customer service (from customer care) and then escalated to a manager in customer service and discovered there was no tracking number (even tho they gave me one) and the replacement iPhones were "out of stock" and i would need to wait until they were again in stock.

Getting wiser about the lack of Rogers service, i indicated i wasn't satisfied with "waiting until a replacement was in stock".
The manager, when pressed, indicated i could go to the Rogers store and buy a phone (for less than $100) on an pay-as-you-go service plan and fax the bill to them for a customer credit and use this phone until me iPhone replacement arrives.

Getting even wiser about lack of Rogers customer service, expertise and care, i asked how i would be notified when the replacements were in stock and discovered i would need to check with them daily!

So, to net it out, the iPhone became defective (for no known reason) and I need to go without one until they restock ... but continue to pay for it!

Needless to say, i am getting very proficient in dealing with Rogers by now and demanded a reduction in monthly fees. They agreed to not charge for my data plan for the month ($25). Not being satisfied, once the replacement happens, i will go after more.

As i am stuck with Rogers until the end of the contract, (2.5 years from now), i intend to make life miserable for them, on a continuing basis, for this time period.

Not done yet. I decided to go to the Apple store and am now waiting (1.5 hours) to be served and will try for a replacement from them, as a hardware error situation.

BTW, Rogers advised i could NOT go to the Apple store to resolve the problem, as it was a Rogers technical problem and had to be resolved by the Rogers Technical Support division.

I don't know how i would have proceeded solving this problem, if i was a working person...

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