Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Good Quality Pictures

03.05.13: Comparison of DSLRs.

D5200 vs D7100 ($1,200) - better pic quality (84 vs 80), smaller, lighter.
D5200 vs Canon 6D ($2,700) - better pic quality (84 vs 82), Many more focus points, lighter.
D5200 vs Sony A99 ($2,900) - smaller, lighter, cheaper, many more focus points, less pic quality (84 vs 89).

What I miss from the NEX-5R is the touch screen, wifi and smaller size.

The D5200 has a lot more functions/features and I am starting with AUTO, P, and video modes.

So far, I am impressed with the pic quality improvement and the video quality.
Helen enjoys the viewfinder and quick pics. 

03.04.13: I have tried everything, to avoid carrying a heavy camera requiring more than one lens ... a DSLR (digital single lens reflect) camera.

The camera industry has done a very good job of controlling our purchasing. 
If you want to pay less, you must buy a "digital camera".
If you want high quality pictures, you must buy a DSLR.

Sooner or later, a breakthru will occur - high quality pictures with a small low priced camera with ONE lens.

However, I want very good pics TODAY.

My plan is to make do with one lens (18-55mm) and later on decide if a high zoom digital camera is required for distance landscape pics.

After a lot of analysis (DSLRs under $1,000) and reading reviews, the best value for under $1,000 I came up with was the Nikon D5200.

It cost approx $200 more than the equivalent NEX-5R ... a digital camera with interchangeable lens.

Aside: I am continually impressed with the close-up pictures taken with my Samsung Galaxy Note (above) ...

I have 14 days to complete the quality testing phase: 
Is the picture quality good enough?
Is the ease-of-use good enough?
Are the tech features good enough?

Stay tuned.

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