Thursday, April 19, 2012

sending emails from another country

04.21.12: This app is for those people who have dedicated email accounts (i.e. Rogers, Sympatico, Paladrome, your company, etc) and cannot access it from other PCs.

My advice, to those who only have these types of email accounts ... get a GMAIL, YAHOO, or HOTMAIL account as backup.

The app is Mail From Anywhere and it allows you to easily send emails to anyone and include attachments. It does not require or request a sender email address.

You may think anti-virus or spam filters stop these emails but they don't appear to (at this time).

This app does not allow you to read your email or reply to an email received from the app.

However, it does allow you to send an email without identifying the sender.

You have a couple of ways of using this app ... if you are intend on pursuing:

1. download to a SDcard or stick and carry with you
2. make note of the link and download (if the PC allows you to) as required

You should familiarize yourself with it (install and try on your computer), before trying on another. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Which is the best Smartphone?

05.16.13: I have revised my smartphone comparison chart for current products from Rogers, Bell and Telus.

Bottom Line: Samsung Galaxy S4 is the best product available today. 

04.08.13: An update comparison between the leading smartphones, a few days ago.

Depending on your needs, it is getting more difficult to determine the best smartphone for your needs.

What stands out in this chart:
1. Talk time - iPhone is much lower - very important
2. Speed - difficult to determine - not important
3. Camera (front) - iPhone not as good, (Back) - equal
4. Texting - about equal

What is not in this chart is even more important to me, as a daily smartphone user who has almost replaced his computer with the phone - Interchangeable battery.

There are three main things that dramatically reduce time between battery charging:
1. screen brightness
2. using Network (wi-fi)
3. using GPS

If you aren't very careful, battery life will not last the whole day.

iPhone is the only one (of the major smartphones) not allowing you to change the battery. 

Here are 10 tips to conserve battery charge

12.04.12: This item outlines the Bell iPhone 4S and Galaxy Note and the Rogers iPhone 4S and Galaxy Note.

It also includes Bell and Rogers 4G and LTE offerings. Hopefully, it doesn't add to your confusion.

I have now had time to adjust to non Apple interface.
It took a while ... now understand why those who are Apple stay Apple.

Samsung is the leading maker of Android (non Apple) smartphones. Their newest entry into the cell phone space is the Note.

There are a few reasons I prefer the Galaxy Note: interchangeable battery, larger screen and resolution, ease of transferring data to/from a PC.

Some of the best Apple apps are not available in Android models yet ... but sure to appear in the future.
I will outline useful Android apps in future blog items. 

Here are the specifications for the iPhone 4 and the newest iPhone 4S
Pls note the very small front camera (for Skype, Google Talk, etc) for 4 and 4S.

Here is a comparison of iPhone 4S and Galaxy Note.

I'll let you draw your own conclusions on which is better for you.
Bell is offering 4G-LTE in most major areas.

Here is a diagram showing GTA areas a this time.

From what I can tell, at this time, it appears both have very similar coverage and comparable speed.

Rogers has "LTE beyond 4G" in larger city areas (including Markham and Mississauga).

LTE - Long Term Evolution. It is the new international standard for next generation wireless networks, as defined by the International Telecommunications Union.
    LTE enables faster HD video streaming, gaming, communications, transactions and other connected experiences through mobile Internet. 
    LTE allows significantly more data to pass through a network at speeds of up to 150 Mbps and it will become the foundation in a world defined by connected experiences.

4G - Is the fourth generation of cellphone mobile communications. It is not available yet. It will allow mobile ultra-braodband speed between smartphones and wireless laptops. HD TV steaming, and other high speed transmissions will appear seamless.

To add some confusion, LTE is not really 4G speed but it is close.
Both major carriers are inaccurate and confusing their customers by using LTE with 4G. Rogers is worse by indicating their LTE is "beyond" 4g.

Both are really offering 3GPP Long Term Evolution ... better than standard 3G speed.

LTE Advanced (LTE-A) will appear, eventually, and will be true 4G compliant.

From Wikipedia:
"The first release of the 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard does not completely fulfill the ITU 4G requirements called IMT-Advanced. 
First release LTE is not backwards compatible with 3G, but is a pre-4G or 3.9G technology, however sometimes branded "4G" by the service providers. 
Its evolution LTE Advanced is a 4G technology. 
WiMAX is another technology verging on or marketed as 4G."

Thursday, April 5, 2012

a couple of useful PC apps


Ninite - a very quick and easy application updating tool for your computer. It will update specific apps you might have on your PC. Just select from the apps listed and it will update if the app is out-of-date.

Box - similar to Dropbox but provides 5gb of space (only 2gb for dropbox) but has a 25mb file size limit. 
I also find it much more intuitive to use.

Dropbox - similar to Box but has no file size and you can increase your free space by 250mb every time you get someone to sign up.

I use both Box and Dropbox - depending on file size.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

gas prices on the rise

04.03.12: Get ready for a gas price increase ... again!

I am about to rant on gas prices ... but I should really be RANTING about the WASTEFUL use of our tax $s again. 
The F35 fiasco is rearing its ugly head again. But, relax, it is only an additional $10B waste of our tax $s.

Why is it we Canadians don't mind the feds partying with our tax $s ?
I guess we must enjoy paying taxes!

Back on April 25, 2011, I posted an item on Gasbuddy to help you check for lower gas prices when you need to fill up.
Well, gas prices may be $1.40/litre tomorrow and you need to take measures to encourage lower prices and to ensure you are getting a good price when you do fill up.

As you know, I have complained about gas prices in the past. 
We do pay a LOT OF TAX on our gas.

We just returned home from Myrtle Beach and we paid approx $.98/litre for our gas. 
BTW, we averaged 16k/l in our Civic (approx 47MPG - for the oldies - thanks to an Android app for my Samsung smartphone called fuelio).

What really surprised me was the price for 'regular' vs 'premium' gas.
Did you know we pay approx $.15/litre more for premium ... and the Americans pays approx $.15/Gal more for premium. 
Canadians pay a lot more for premium gas than Americans.
Why the dramatic increase for premium here in Canada?
I guess we have to pay for the F35s somehow! 

What really astounds me is how PASSIVE we Canadians are about inequities!!!

I am about to tweet Harper again and really encourage everyone to tweet him and send emails to their MP.

I also will email the auditor general on the excellent unbiased report

Planning for the driving future:
1. drive less
2. elect a more responsible government
3. complain to your MP
4. really think about a very efficient vehicle for your next purchase
5. get rid of those pick-up trucks and vans you are driving now - if you want to save money
6. don't but a vehicles that requires premium fuel

It really is time to start serious complaining about our wasted tax $s !!!

Although I like to rant, the one positive of increased gas prices is the growing inevitability of hydrogen fuel as the right answer.