Tuesday, December 6, 2011

PC - fixing it because you like it and it's cheaper

12.06.11: Some people like to keep using their existing computer, even though there are newer/faster models available (and more appearing every month).
There are situations when it is feasible to fix the computer rather than buy a new one. 
In my opinion, if it has a fast processor and does everything you want and can be fixed for under $100, it may be worthwhile to fix it.
The caveat is it may incur another problem before long and the decision has to be evaluated again. 

In my experience, the significant things that do go wrong after time are: hard drive stops working, and not enough memory installed to function at an acceptable speed.

Two situations:

1. an older IBM Thinkpad with a fast processor had a hard drive failure and had been running very slow for some time. 
Rather than throw it out, he purchased (on eBay) a new hard drive and additional memory for under $75. I installed Windows XP on the new drive and the laptop is now running a lot faster.

2. a 7yr old Gateway computer (with a very fast processor) had a hard drive failure but the owner liked it and found it to do everything she wanted with her 56KB modem connection.
As with many older computers, hard drives and memory are quite inexpensive but I suggested she just buy a new computer. She wanted to know how much it would cost to fix before making her decision.
When I informed her I could fix it and make it faster for about $75, she decided to hold off making a new purchased. I lent her on older computer I don't use and I am waiting for the parts before rebuilding her computer. 

The problem I have found with fixing older computers is no retail outlet wants to do it unless they are paid quite well ... making it not worthwhile. If fixing costs over $250, it is probably best to buy a new one.

The bottom line to all this is:

1. if you have an older computer that is failing or the hard drive has gone, and you don't mind if it completely breaks while I am analyzing it for restoration, give me a call. 

2. if you suspect failure, or haven't done so in quite a while, backup your data ... before it is too late.

In the second situation above, all data was lost on the broken hard drives.

Here is a simple and free method of backup up your data online (up to 2GBs).

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