Monday, June 1, 2009

for the CNTU - Easy things to improve your computer

I did a little Web research before selecting CNTU and found only these acronyms:
- Confederation of National Trade Unions
- Canadian National Tippler Union

My CNTU stands for Computer Non-Technical Users.

It is dedicated to highlighting items that are useful to those computer users who do not understand Internet technology (and really don't care about technology) but would like to reduce their time on the computer (e-mail, Twitter, YouTube, etc) so they can do more comforting things (gardening, walking, snoozing, or just not on the computer).

Here is the first item for this Blog:

Memory is Everything (not only for computers...)

My wife has been using a computer (2.4Ghz ... whatever that means) for some time, suffering the delays associated with only 256MB of memory (whatever that means ... henceforth referred to as WTM) .
After a few years, her technically savvy (?) husband decided enough was enough and looked into replacing her computer.
Before proceeding, he wondered if adding memory (WTM) might negate the requirement to replace the 4 year old computer (28 in dog years).
He found an eBay seller who would charge approx $50 for 1GB (for you WTMs, it is 4 x what is already on the computer).
Seemed like a worthwhile risk ... so he purchased and installed a GB chip instead of the 256MB in the computer (WTM).

The long and short of it is IT WORKED!

The computer is extremely fast (WTM) and .. and much less expensive than buying/installing/configuring (WTM) a replacement.

Caveat - only consider if your PC has less than 500MB memory (WTM).


  1. and will you install it for the CNTU's of the world?

  2. I will help (or install) for all CNTUs I know.
