Friday, February 7, 2014

Android Phone - How to Encrypt your phone

02.17.14: It is not worth the effort on a smartphone.
Luckily, I had only encrypted the main phone and could easily (20 mins) decrypt.

My problems with using encryption were slow response and extra password effort.

Just be sure to use a very strong password and don't store anything on your phone you haven't backed up.

p.s. never store anything on your phone or computer you wouldn't want shown on Facebook. 

02.06.14: Ever wondered if you should encrypt your phone to ensure absolute confidentiality?

I have considered it for some time, especially with the Edward Snowden leak concerning the NSA breaking into worldwide Internet systems and scooping up metadata (only metadata, right?).

So I decided to hide everything I could think of, just to make it more difficult for gov'ts to snoop!

Some recent legal rulings have suggested that encryption can protect against warantless searches ... not that any gov't official would want to search my phone ... but in case there is a mistaken identity...
As strange as it may sound,
Canadian court has ruled that phones can be searched without a warrant as long as they are not encrypted.
Surprise, a California Supreme Court has also ruled that police officers can lawfully search YOUR cell phone without a warrant if it’s taken from you during arrest – but they would require a warrant if it was encrypted. 

If you would like to do it, here are the very simple steps.

My smartphone is slightly slower after encryption but not a problem.

Warning: You will need to factory reset your phone to undo the encryption.

The battery must be at least 80% before the encryption will start. 
Also, it could take up to an hour to complete the encryption so you should have your phone plugged in during the process.
Also, you must be using Password or PIN or the encryption will not start.

Warning: Whatever screen lock type you choose will be used for starting the device and getting past your lock screen. Be sure to use a complex password or PIN but ensure it is easy to enter.

Figure A

Select a strong password. Otherwise it defeats the purpose of encryption all together. 

Now you are ready to start the encryption.

  1. Open the app drawer
  2. Tap Settings 
  3. Tap Security
  4. Tap Encrypt device

Figure C

Let me know if you have any problem encrypting your smartphone.