Friday, November 15, 2013

Trans Pacific Partnership - concerns

13.11.15: This TPP is becoming significant. 

The Trans Pacific Partnership is made up of quite a few countries (USA, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia are the largest) is aimed at increasing trade between the countries.

Yesterday, the chapter on Intellectual Property Rights was leaked.

The Guardian newspaper description of TPP, Wednesday. 

Michael Geist is a University of Ottawa law professor and holds the Canada Research Chair in Internet and e-commerce law.
Like Rocco Galati, Geist is doing an excellent job representing Canadian interests ... and watching out for unscrupulous politicians and corporations. 
This is a summary of his appearance before the International Trade Committee June 3rd, when he addressed copyright and secrecy aspects of the TPP.

Here is what he wrote today.

Bill C-11 was put into law June 29, 2012 by the conservatives (unanimously rejected by the opposition parties) and it looks like some countries now want changes made. 

The USA govt is trying to ram this through as law without transparency. 

There is Canada opposition to many items being demanded by the USA (including Internet Service Provider liability). It will be interesting to see how our govt handles the pressure...

Twitter is an excellent source of immediate information on TPP ... more details coming every minute.

Today, this Youtube video appeared.

Stay tuned. These TPP issues are not going away without significant push-back.