Tuesday, August 17, 2010

RIM has a tough decision to make

08/17/10 - in the Star today.
Is this the beginning of the end for RIM?
Are they giving in to India and allowing government access to user e-mails?
Will it mean every country will have access to user e-mails?
The main reason for gov't access is to screen for terrorist activities... which will happen regardless in "those" countries.
If RIM decides not to concede, it would lose a lot of future sales and this is not the mandate of any profitable corporation.
Somehow, RIM needs to find a middle-ground solution that satisfies everyone.

Talk about
gobbledygook ... RIM indicates "maintains a consistent global standard for lawful access requirements that does not include special deals for specific countries".

It will be interesting to see how this concludes ... increased sales of iPhones?

As the financial advisers would say "RIM is not a good buy at this time".